In the assembly instructions, we assume that you are also assembling and building the microcontroller case. It is highly recommended to build and assemble the XFAVR microcontroller case. If you have not already, please consider 3D printing the microcontroller case to offer some protection for you XFAVR device.
For true beginners, it is recommended to check out this webpage and to better understand Arduino wiring/circuit diagrams.
Hot Glue
It is strongly recommended that the jumper wires connected to the microcontroller board, any breadboards, and any other jumper cables be hot glued once your XFAVR device is assembled and confirmed to be working correctly. Without hot glue, it is very easy for the wires to disconnect from the microcontroller board, any breadboard, or other jumper cables.
Use Jumper Wires Liberally
To extend the distance you can place the Microcontroller box from the operating vial rotator, it is highly recommended that you use more jumper wires than what is shown in the documentation. This can be done by just daisy chaining jumper wires until you’re satisified with the operating distance. This point may make more sense once you’ve assembled the XFAVR device and have started using it.
Have Fun!
Have fun during the building process. You will make mistakes. THIS IS NORMAL AND OK. The total cost of this project is <$100, anything can be replaced easily and cheaply. So have some fun!